Press Molding and Compression Molding

Press molding composite equipment can be used to produce pressure and temperature as part of composite processing. Pressure is typically produced using hydraulic pistons and heat can be introduced using heated platens or external sources. Molds are used to manufacture shaped parts. Press molding is used for long fiber advanced composite parts. Press compression molding can be used to process short fiber material including Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) and Bulk Molding Compound (BMC).


Flexible bladders and external pressure can be used to overcome limitations of the unidirectional piston force.

Typical Press Molding Applications
Press Molding and Compression Molding composite applications include flat panels, medical abductor bars, small medical tops and accessories, ballistic shields, non-complex shapes, bladder molded designs with undercuts, and short fiber composite products.
FlexPly springs
Press Molding Advantages

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